If this is your first time embarking on daily Scripture readings, congratulations! You are in for an epic, life-altering journey.

A great way to read through the Bible is to follow a Bible reading plan. In order to obtain the big picture of Scripture, try using a chronological Bible reading plan for 90 days.
Table of Contents
- Why a Chronological Reading Plan?
- Time Commitment
- Balancing Life and Bible Reading Plans
- Ways to Stay on Track
A chronological plan leads us to a better understanding of the stories of Scripture in the order they happened. The chronological order is different than how the books of the Bible are laid out (especially in the Old Testament), so be prepared to skip around in Scripture during your daily readings.

Why a Chronological Reading Plan?
A straight read of Scripture allows us to notice the larger picture of how God developed His plan of redemption from the very beginning. We notice major people, the history of the Israel nation, key stories of the Bible, events of the Bible, and the power of God throughout.
When you finish, you will have read every single chapter in the entire Bible and have grasped a greater understanding of His Word. How God’s perfect timing is precisely that. How His love wins all the way to the end.
I have written several books (mostly Bible studies), both short and long, and consider it my highest honor to travel the world and teach from Scripture. Knowing His Word provides the foundation for everything we do as His children.
From the book of Genesis through Revelation, God shows us a whole new way of how to live counter-culturally within the culture that surrounds us.
Time Commitment
A 90-day plan requires approximately thirty minutes per day. You might find that such a time commitment may be tackled better during more structured seasons of life – such as when school starts back after the summer or winter holidays.

A 90-day Bible plan requires approximately thirty minutes per day. You might find that such a time commitment may be tackled better during more structured seasons of life – such as when school starts back after the summer or winter holidays.
You may need to give yourself some grace days on your reading project, and that is perfectly fine. You may run into hard days or hard times. Sometimes our daily schedules vary greatly. There are also many smartphone apps that offer a great resource to listen to audio bibles with reading plans.
If you are not in a life season that allows you to set aside a long time for daily Bible reading plans, you may want to choose a one-year plan, a two-year plan, specific Bible books, or even a plan that only includes New Testament readings instead. I offer many simple Bible reading plans that you can choose from here.
Every minute you spend in Scripture will reap blessings, so do not hesitate to take it at a slower pace.

Which Bible Translation Should You Use?
The Bible has been translated, interpreted, and read in many different ways while maintaining its original substance. The simple answer is this: read whichever version you can easily understand.
Personally, I like the English Standard Version (ESV) because it is the closest translation to the original languages using our modern-day vernacular. You may prefer a different translation. The key is to pick the one that works for you over the course of a year or monthly plan.
If you were raised on the King James Version (KJV) and you love the way it reads, then by all means use that version. I also like the New Living Translation (NLT). The bottom line is to choose whichever translation you can best understand. Understanding God’s story is the goal, so pick a version that makes the most sense to you.

Why Commit to Reading Through the Whole Bible?
The Bible is God’s breath on the page. It is the inspired Word of God given to mankind so that we can know our Creator. Why He chose us. Why He pursues us. Why He loves us so very much.
It is by far the most important book you will ever read because, through it, God changes us to be more like Jesus from the inside out.
The Bible is a Christian’s ultimate source for guidance through life, comfort in difficult times, and how to forgive and love others as God has done for us. Memorizing bible verses that address your specific struggle(s) is key to victory!
God has drawn me deep into His Word for over thirty years now and I would not trade one moment of that journey. He has convicted me on how to live and extend grace and how to apply His life lessons to everyday living.

How Did the Bible Come About?
The Bible is a collection of ancient texts that were written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit over a period of about 1600 years. They lived in different cultures, eras, and circumstances, yet God’s overarching message of redemption and love remained constant.
Scripture is also a cultural and historical treasure trove of information. It provides unique insights (which archaeological finds continue to verify) into what life was like during those various time periods. The Bible contains real stories of people who actually lived. It is not a fantasy fiction novel.
The Bible’s stories encompass people of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds. The God-inspired guidance and timeless wisdom provide indispensable tools for living a life that honors God and the sacrifice He gave to us in Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, translated into more languages than any other, with over 6.5 billion copies printed to date. Over the millennia, it has had an immense influence and impact on literature, music, science, art, and politics.

How Can the Bible Change Our Lives?
First and foremost, the Bible reveals that we have a Savior in Jesus Christ. Oftentimes, we look at the state of the world and wonder how we’re going to survive. Only through Christ will we survive and thrive in this life because Jesus conquered our sin on the cross.
He has redeemed us to live richer, more meaningful lives by teaching us how to love each other, reach out to our enemies, and stand strong on the spiritual battlefields. We can rewrite today’s headlines when we stand shoulder-to-shoulder against hate and selfish motives.
Balancing Life and Bible Reading Plans
God desires us to live loved and loving others, which starts with family. Mother Teresa once said, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” Our families come first right under our devotion to the Lord.

Loving our families well means caring for their mental, physical, and emotional needs. If cutting your daily Bible reading by ten minutes in order to remain at the dinner table as your children tell stories about their day, linger and listen to them.
Since I am a frequent traveler, I have discovered that airplane time is great reading time. For instance, when I led a Reformation tour through Germany, I had almost eleven hours of reading time. I slept some of the time, but the rest of the time allowed me to get through half of the New Testament in one read. When I landed in Germany, that fresh read through Scripture enhanced my teaching!
What Will I Get Out of Regular Bible Reading?
Carving out regular time to read the Bible fuels Christ-centered love and compassion in our actions and conversations. It convicts us of our own behaviors that do not honor God and invites us to repent. It inspires us to serve others sacrificially. Committed Bible reading time is paramount for any believer.
Our lives are to reflect holy faithfulness as His children who realize how much we are loved by the One who knit us together in our mother’s wombs. Opening God’s Word is us lingering at the table with Him each day as He pours into us.
Reading Scripture daily can sometimes feel like hard work that turns into a checklist. Ask God to guard your heart against such baseline thinking. When schedules crowd our time and thoughts, stillness can be elusive. But it is invaluable and so very important. He is the power we need to fuel our days.

Different Bible Reading Plans
Choosing a Bible reading plan helps us methodically read the Bible by dividing it into easily-readable segments to digest and understand. It systematically guides us at our own pace to draw us closer to God.
With that said, tackling a 90-day chronological Bible reading plan may be a large chunk to chew if these are your first steps toward regular Bible reading. So you may want to consider another unique plan.
With that said, tackling a 90-day chronological Bible reading plan may be a large chunk to chew if these are your first steps toward regular Bible reading. So you may want to consider another unique plan.
There are several comprehensive plans in printable version here as free downloads to choose from to find your best option. Each one is a good plan, so pick one! A printable Bible reading plan is easy to keep up with, especially if your new year has started out on the fast side of crazy.

Ways to Stay on Track
Undertaking regular Bible reading requires commitment, like any other worthy endeavor. Sometimes it may be challenging to remain motivated to read each day. Here are some helps for this Bible project that may keep you on track.
1) Journal As You Read
I have countless journals that I have kept over the years that are filled with notes as I read through the Bible. Questions, observations, ah-ha moments, and more. I started each entry with the date and what chapters/books I read that day. Those journals are spiritual treasures to me today.
2) Share What You are Learning
Even though God desires us to know Him more and more, sharing what we are learning can also be an encouragement to other Christians – especially new believers.
Share what you are learning with your small group. They also may be able to expound upon what we are learning through their own experiences or reading time. This practice has helped me find fellow Bible nerds wherever I go.
3) Read Aloud, if Possible
This has been by far one of the most powerful Bible reading tools in my life. Reading aloud allows us to hear the stories as believers would have originally heard them.
Usually, only rabbis in synagogues had the scrolls containing God’s Word, and the people faithfully gathered to hear them read aloud. It also slows us down so that our eyes do not mindlessly skim the text.

4) Highlight and Underline in Your Bible
If a specific verse or saying contains special meaning to you, be sure to highlight or underline it in your Bible. Write a note in the margin regarding what you found interesting or meaningful. I love these Bible highlighters because they do not bleed through the pages.
I love going back through my older Bibles and simply reading my decades-old notes in the margins. The big idea is seeing God’s good work from Genesis to Revelation!
5) Set Daily Reading Goals
Start on any day of the week! Whether you choose a 90-Day Bible Reading Plan, a one-year plan, or simply read a chapter per day, write out your goals and stick with them.
Actually writing them down helps us keep on track and finish each day’s reading without second-guessing if you already covered it.
If you have a touch of OCD, perhaps create a Bible reading chart or keep track of your progress in your smart phone. The key is ensuring that you are not just reading, but learning personal application of God’s love, forgiveness, and kindness in your daily life.
6) Mark Your Goals on a Calendar
If you choose a one-year plan, mark your goals on a calendar. perhaps start on January 1 and finish by December 31. You could start July 1 and finish by June 30. You get the idea.
The nice thing is you will be able to track by the end of your reading plan how much God has taught you.
7) Start and End Your Reading Time with Prayer
We are not reading through any ordinary book. The Bible is the inspired Word of God that demands a response to how we live, think and operate in this world.
Ask God to give you guidance and understanding as you read. Ask Him how you can apply what you have learned. Then thank Him for faithfully leading you through each day.
Reading through the Bible is one of the best things you can ever do in your life. And there is no better time to start than right now. God’s blessings as you dive into the most epic adventure of your lifetime!
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About the Author
Although Donna is a sought-after Bible teacher, her path from being unchurched to become passionate about sharing Jesus was not easy. Go here to read her God-breathed journey, “From Unchurched to Becoming a Multi-Published Author and Sought-After Speaker.” If you want to send Donna a quick message, then visit her contact page here.
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